ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well

The overall goal of ACTIVAGE is to demonstrate through objective indicators that standard-secure-intraoperative IoT ecosystems enable new sustainable business models and solutions for active and healthy ageing of European Senior Citizens, providing benefits on quality of life and autonomy to users, contribute to the sustainability of the health and social care systems, and strengthen European industry competitiveness through innovation.
By reaching this objective ACTIVAGE will be the flagship reference for healthcare providers who want to create, deploy and scale up innovative IoT services in AHA Europe and beyond.
This way, healthcare organisations will access to a renewed and redefined AAL market, with high potential development throughout Europe (and beyond), as it addresses the needs of health and social systems to meet the higher demand for care.
In addition, it adapts to the needs of an ageing population (by 2050 +65 aged people will grow by 70%, +80 by 170%) while keeping the health and social care systems sustainable in societies with a smaller labour force.
ACTIVAGE will create a unified platform for all the stakeholders to roll-out their businesses in a cooperative environment boosting their individual capabilities and reaching a continuously growing multimillion users/customers demand.
Funded under: H2020-IOT-2016-2017
Activity period: 1 January 2017 - 30 June 2020