Past projects
Val di Lima’s museums
The goal of the project is to design a localization system at the Museum of Benabbio and San Cassiano di Controne. In particular, researchers from the Wireless Network Lab (WnLAB) at CNR-ISTI (Institute of Information Science and Technologies) have worked on the development of the MVL app, an application for Android and iOS devices capable of automatically recognizing the proximity between a visitor and a work of art. The application, developed in prototype form, therefore offers the visitor a series of multimedia contents useful for understanding the artwork being observed and placing it in its historical-artistic context. The visitor thus uses their smartphone also as a guide, accessing a series of high-quality contents describing the various artworks present.
Smart Campus
In the smart cities context, in the second half of 2013 CNR launched a project entitled Renewable Energy and ICT for Energy Sustainability. The project was based on the widespread use of renewable energy sources (and related storage technologies and energy management) and
the extensive use of ICT technologies for an enhanced management of the energy flows, thus making the energy services more efficient by adapting them to the demand (and,therefore,encouraging the energy saving and the energy rational use), with the informed involvement of citizens.

ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well
The overall goal of ACTIVAGE is to demonstrate through objective indicators that standard-secure-intraoperative IoT ecosystems enable new sustainable business models and solutions for active and healthy ageing of European Senior Citizens, providing benefits on quality of life and autonomy to users, contribute to the sustainability of the health and social care systems, and strengthen European industry competitiveness through innovation.

Servizi Ict iNTegrati per il bEnessere di Soggetti frAgili
INTESA aims at realizing a suite of personal and personalized services to guarantee the well-being of vulnerable people by involving innovative technologies highly configurable and enriching their functionalities with high research and development skills in the ambits of e-health, e-inclusion, sensor networks and data mining. Services will be modular and independent but will exploit a common interface towards a software platform dedicated to data gathering and analysis and able to early identify vulnerability condition and to prevent its worsening verifying changes in the subject functional, clinical, cognitive and psychological state. Service suit will be extendable and integrable with new application and technologies for home and outdoor monitoring.

SIstema DOmiciliare di Rieducazione Espressiva del Movimento e dell'Interazione
In this project, the WNLab is tasked with developing an innovative and non-invasive system for monitoring sleep quality that is specifically tailored for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This novel approach to sleep monitoring holds significant promise for effectively addressing the sleep disorders often experienced by ASD patients.
The system utilizes a sensor matrix placed beneath the children's mattress to gather sleep-related data. Given that individuals with ASD frequently struggle with sleep disturbances, this solution offers a valuable means of tracking and analysing sleep patterns in a non-intrusive manner.

Advanced Robotics and enabling digital TEchnologies & Systems 4.0
ARTES 4.0 was created to unite University Partners, Research Bodies, Highly Qualified Training Institutes, Foundations, Third Sector & No Profit entities, but also private Associations and Innovative Companies in order to provide Partners and industry (in particular SMEs) technologies and services responding to their needs through guidance, training, innovation projects, industrial research and experimental development.

Tecnologie ICT per il MOnitoraggio Strutturale di Costruzioni Antiche basato su Reti di sensori wireless e DrOni
Structural monitoring is a crucial aspect of the management of historical buildings. Indeed, knowing the evolution of relevant data, ensures a correct and precise evaluation of the current building status and allows us to manage and schedule the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance activity properly.
MOSCARDO aimed at contributing to the safety of the historical buildings. The project provided a scalable and reliable Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system able to operate both during the ordinary condition and emergencies, for the damage evaluation.
Assessing the State of the Art and Supporting an Evidence-Based Uptake and Evolution of Open Service Platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain
The seeks to deliver an inventory of the state of the art and analyse the use of open service platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing domain, covering both open platforms -such as UniversAAL, FIWARE and partly-open/proprietary platforms developed by industry, and address the interactions between these platforms. To measure the impacts of such platform and enhance their uptake, the project proposal presents a methodology for monitoring open platform development, adoption and spread across Europe, by listing key factors that determine success or hinderance in their uptake by the end-user groups, and also the evolution of their ecosystems and stakeholder networks.

SCIAme di DROni
Born for military application, drones are expanding civil application fields. In civil field, RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) are commonly used to obtain aerial point of views exploited for context analysis, photogrammetry and agriculture. A challenging and innovative aspect is the development of evolved application dedicated to the environmental and territory protection, infrastructural monitoring (e.g. aerial power lines), and security. Aiming at this, the application should involve a set of different and configurable sensors such as detector of gases, heavy metals and bacterial charges, evaluator of electromagnetic foul-up, explosive detector and/or smart cameras able to perform an on-board elaboration and to send this result to the ground station or to other drones.

WB@Lucca aims at realizing a mobile platform dedicatated to provide a set of personal and personalized services based on innovative and not invasive ICT technologies, in order to increase life quality and well-being of Lucca citizen and stimulate social solidarity.
Wb@Lucca focuses on a specific user category: elderly which tend to adopt sedentary behaviors, often with rehabilitation problems, wrong eating habits and social isolation. Wb@Lucca offers a set of services and applications for mobile devices focused on improvement of life condition, increasing autonomy and also providing a useful support to the family.

Satellite communication Network of Excellence
The primary goal of SatNEx is to achieve long-lasting integration of the European research in satellite communications and to develop a common base of knowledge. SatNEx aims to build a European virtual center of excellence in satellite communications and to contribute to the realization of the European Research Area. A major aim of SatNEx is to rectify this fragmentation by bringing European research in Satellite Communications together in a durable manner.
Various cOngestion conTrol protOcols over Satellite
VOTOS is a Focus Topic in the Joint Activity 2410 (Access, Network and Transport Layer Trials) of SatNEx. The main issue is the analysis of the behavior of congestion control protocols over satellite networks, with particular attention to those systems that adopt the most recent Demand Assignment Multiple Access schemes, such as Skyplex Data, Amerhis, BGAN, etc.. Analitycal studies, simulations, emulations, and real trials are the fundamental features of this topic.
PERceptive Spaces prOmoting iNdependent Aging
PERSONA is one of the Integrated Projects funded by the European Commission within the VI Framework Programme for IST (Information Society Technologies) on Ambient Assisted Living for the Ageing Society. PERSONA- PERceptive Spaces prOmoting iNdependent Aging- aims at providing a scalable open technological platform to build a broad range of services for social inclusion, independent living and healthy lifestyle of Senior Citizens.
Interactive Media with Personal Networked Devices
INTERMEDIA seeks to progress beyond home and device-centric convergence toward truly user-centric convergence of multimedia. The vision is The User as Multimedia Central: the user as the point at which services (multimedia applications) and the means for interacting with them (devices and interfaces) converge. Key to the INTERMEDIA's vision is that users are provided with a personalized interface and with personalized content independently of the particular set of physical devices they have available for interaction (on the body, or in their environment), and independently of the physical space in which they are situated.
The potential benefits of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions are already clearly recognised, and societal trends indicate that they will be attractive to a large and increasing number of people. But uptake of such solutions has so far been limited. UniversAAL aims to reduce barriers to adoption and to promote the development and widespread uptake of innovative AAL solutions. It will benefit end-users (i.e. elderly people and people with disabilities, their carers and family members) by making new solutions affordable, simple to configure, personalise and deploy. It will benefit solution providers by making it easier and cheaper to create innovative new AAL services or adapt existing ones using a compositional approach based on existing components, services and external systems.
Malnutrition, Sedentariness, and Cognitive decline are the main causes of morbidity and premature mortality. These three impairments will represent the target areas in DOREMI. The project aims to develop a systemic solution for older people, which is able to prolong their functional and cognitive capacity by empowering, stimulating and unobtrusively monitoring their daily activities. The project joins together the concept of prevention, centred on the older population with a constructive interaction between mind, body and social engagement.