Interactive Media with Personal Networked Devices
INTERMEDIA seeks to progress beyond home and device-centric convergence toward truly user-centric convergence of multimedia. The vision is The User as Multimedia Central: the user as the point at which services (multimedia applications) and the means for interacting with them (devices and interfaces) converge. Key to the INTERMEDIA's vision is that users are provided with a personalized interface and with personalized content independently of the particular set of physical devices they have available for interaction (on the body, or in their environment), and independently of the physical space in which they are situated. The approach to this vision is to investigate a flexible wearable platform that supports dynamic composition of wearable devices, an ad-hoc connection to devices in the environment, a continuous access to multimedia networks, as well as adaptation of content to devices and user context. INTERMEDIA's main goal is to generate a shared vision of user-centric multimedia services for modern nomadic people, who has high level of mobility and is connected to network for most of times. The main goal is achieved through three main objectives: 1)Vision toward device-free user-centric media environments; 2) Constructing multidisciplinary research groups; 3) Building a common platform with a vision towards semantic convergence. Partners: info can be found at the INTERMEDIA project site.
Duration: 2006-2010. Contract N. 38419.