Current projects
Digital agriculture for sustainable development
The primary objective of the project is the design and delivery of higher education programme(s) - I level master (at ISCED LEVEL 7 or equivalent) - the enrichment of existing bachelor and master’s degrees and the development of related self-standing modules/ courses (online or in-person) to train specialists in digital transition for farms and food companies, leading to recognized certifications.

Audiometry with pupil response
In APURE, we propose the use of the pupillary dilationresponse (PDR), a short-latency component of the orienting response evoked by novel stimuli, as an indicator of sound detection.PDR can be considered a physiological signal and requires no voluntary reports. The main purpose of this project is to transform theaudiometric test from a subjective to an objective examination.APURE project will consider pupil size as an objective measurement in deaf children or in adult not-collaborating patients unable toreport their hearing perception. For these purposes, we will develop a wearable pupillometric device to perform easy measurementsof pupil size.

L'obiettivo del progetto è lo studio e lo sviluppo di soluzioni software che siano in grado di apprendere il comportamento e le abitudini degli abitanti negli ambienti di vita, al fine di anticipare le loro esigenze e supportarli nelle attività quotidiane.

Maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems
CODECS will co-develop, together with farmers and AKIS actors, user-friendly approaches, methods, and tools able to document the co-benefits and the costs of technologies applied to real contexts. In this way, it will improve the collective capacity to understand, assess and foresee the full range of benefits and costs of farm digitalisation, and to build digital ecosystems that maximise the net benefits of digitalisation.
Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas
DESIRA will develop the concept of Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems to advance understanding of the impact of digitisation in rural areas, linking analysis directly to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Operationalising the Responsible Research and Innovation approach, DESIRA will enrol agriculture, forestry and rural stakeholders in co-developing scenarios and policies in Living Labs established in 20 European Regions, and a Rural Digitization Forum gathering 250 stakeholders from all Europe.

LoRa Snow
Using IoT technologies for Search and Rescue operations in mountain environments
The use of wireless devices in Search and Rescue (SAR) scenarios plays a crucial role in the success of such operations, even in harsh mountain environments.
In this context, Avalanche Transceiver Devices (ARTVA) have been adopted for many years to locate mountain enthusiasts involved in avalanche incidents. These tools have gained widespread use among winter sports enthusiasts (such as ski mountaineering, hiking) as well as among technicians and personnel involved in search operations. However, the survival curve for a buried individual drastically decreases after 15 minutes from the moment of burial, making it crucial for rescuers to locate the first ARTVA signal, which guides them progressively towards the estimated burial point indicated by the device itself.
THE - Spoke 3
ECS - Tuscany Health Ecosystem Spoke 3
The main goal of AA@THE project is to establish a protocol that promotes and preserves a high quality of life for healthy older adults for an active and healthy aging. By adopting healthy behaviors, such as maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical and social activities, and preserving physical and cognitive capabilities, the risk of non-communicable diseases can be reduced, and the need for care can be delayed. To achieve this, it is crucial to define an e-health ecosystem that enhances the effectiveness and sustainability of existing healthcare services. This ecosystem will provide remote support, personalized coaching, assistance, and monitoring specifically designed for healthy and pre-frail elderly individuals, with a focus on a person-centered approach, to prevent possible decline and improve their general health conditions.

THE - Spoke 5
ECS - Tuscany Health Ecosystem Spoke 5
Il progetto mira ad arricchire i ricercatori e il loro contesto sociale e lavorativo locale e internazionale attraverso iniziative che forniscano ulteriori opportunità legate al trasferimento di tecnologia innovativa nelle scienze della vita.

PE08 - Conseguenze e sfide dell'invecchiamento - AGE-IT Spoke 9
The project focuses on creating innovative smart spaces for aging individuals, collecting data related to their environment, activities, behavior, and health non-intrusively. The work package aims to develop next-generation sensing technologies and employ AI for measuring and predicting well-being, supporting the quality of life for aging users.

RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART Spoke 2
ITA-NTN is a structural project of SPOKE 2 - INTEGRATION OF NETWORKS AND SERVICES of the "RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart” (RESTART) project, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the NRRP – M4C2, Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 of 15.03.2022 of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with 116 million euros, making RESTART the most important public R&D program ever implemented in the Telecommunications sector in Italy.

A computing toolkit for building efficient autonomous applications leveraging humanistic intelligence
TEACHING puts forward a vision of humans at the centreof autonomous CPSoS, by embracing the concept of Humanistic Intelligence, where the cybernetic and biologicalentities cooperate in a mutual empowerment towards a shared goal and where human feedback becomes a crucialdriver for CPSoS adaptivity. TEACHING addresses the challenge by integrating AI with fundamental concepts ofsecurity and dependability stemming from the AI-human-CPSoS interactions, and by considering their impact onthe underlying computing system. TEACHING develops a human-aware CPSoS for autonomous safety-criticalapplications, based on a distributed, energy-efficient and dependable AI, leveraging edge computing platformsintegrating specialized computing fabric for AI and in-silico support for intelligent cybersecurity.

5G+ evoluTion to mutioRbitAl multibaNd neTwORks
The aim of TRANTOR is to perform a significant step forward by paving the path for the 5G NTN evolution towards 6G. To do so, TRANTOR targets the in-orbit validation of a complete satellite value chain involving an automated management of satellite resources across multiple bands, satellites, and orbits, and a converged radio access network. Specifically, at the ground segment, TRANTOR targets the development of novel satellite network management solutions, fully integrated in the 3GPP management framework, which allow the significant scaling up of heterogeneous satellite traffic demands and capacities in a cost-effective, highly dynamic, band and orbit agnostic manner.